À Dakar, un chantier en briques locales
Photos ©Schnepp Renou, Dakar 2023
Le Bihan ×
Alun Be
Photo : Ethos, Edification Series © Alun Be
Interview by Clémence Mathieu
Hardel Le Bihan Architectes were commissioned for the students lodging of the new Campus Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, working in partnership with artist and young architect Alun Be. Interview on site, in February 2018.
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Photos Schnepp Renou
Rue de la Cour des Noues dans le 20e arrondissement de Paris, l'imprimerie spécialisée en revues d'haltérophilie et cahiers de jeux va être transformée en hôtel par Hardel Le Bihan Architectes. Le bâtiment mêle une structure en béton de 1920 et une structure en acier des années 1970. Pour porter la reprogrammation, notre projet met en scène les éléments de structure existants et les révèle. Un premier pas décisif pour garder l'esprit du lieu.
Nouvelle AOM : approach
Interview with Cyrille Le Bihan and Mathurin Hardel, two of the founding partners of Nouvelle AOM
Nouvelle AOM (Franklin Azzi, ChartierDalix and Hardel Le Bihan Architectes) was founded in 2016 to participate in the competition to renovate the Montparnasse Tower. Since then, it has been structured as a fully functioning practice, with several projects underway. Some clarifications on the factors that distinguish its work from that of the three practices of its founding partners, but also on how it is managed alongside the work of each practice.
New technical direction
Propos recueillis par Clémence Mathieu
In 2016, Hardel Le Bihan set up MOX, an outfit fulfilling the role of site architect, composed of architects, engineers and people with both qualifications. Three years later, the practice has take on a technical director, a specialist in envelope and facades. Although a transversal approach between architecture and engineering may be de rigueur elsewhere, it remains unusual in France, in particular within medium-sized practices. Interview with Leonardo Gambatesa, few months into the job.
Interview by Lionel Blaisse
Ten years after founding their architectural practice, Mathurin Hardel and Cyrille Le Bihan decided to set up the consultancy MOX with Uriel Ruleta. Since 2016, this independent company – specialised in site management and architectural site coordination – carries out the role of executive architect and validation of the architectural conformity of construction drawings and works for all Hardel Le Bihan projects. Mathurin Hardel and Uriel Ruleta share the experience of their new organisation.
New Year, New Office
Pictures by Raphaël Dautigny
September 2017 : new office rue de Paradis in Paris. Renovated by the studio (Jonathan Leroy & Fanny Von Marx, project leaders), with a natural light open-space, the "atelier maquettes", the "matériauthèque", several meeting rooms and a modular design kitchen to welcome all collaborators but also workshops.