Montparnasse by Nouvelle AOM

High-rise office building Paris

Sport facilities and housing, Paris

Housing, Campus UCAD of Dakar

Guinea National Museum
The visit to France by Guinea's Minister of Culture, Moussa Moïse Sylla, and his Secretary General, Ibrahima Keita, gave u...[...]

Completion of a 40,000 sqm office eco-campus
Completion of a major off-site construction project in Gentilly (94) in collaboration with Alain Barthe Architecture, Philippe Niez Studio for the ...[...]

National Center of Ophthalmology Hospital in Paris
Our project for the renovation of the National Center of Ophthalmology Hospital "15-20" in Paris is marked by ...[...]
Nouvelle AOM : approach
Interview with Cyrille Le Bihan and Mathurin Hardel, two of the founding partners of Nouvelle AOM
Nouvelle AOM (Franklin Azzi, ChartierDalix and Hardel Le Bihan Architectes) was founded in 2016 to participate in the competition to renovate the Montparnasse Tower. Since then, it has been structured as a fully functioning practice, with several projects underway. Some clarifications on the factors that distinguish its work from that of the three practices of its founding partners, but also on how it is managed alongside the work of each practice.

Étoile Lilas cinema, Paris

Housing units and offices, Nantes

Apartment hotel, Paris

Timber-frame city block, Lyon
Précieux déjà-là
Photos Schnepp Renou
Rue de la Cour des Noues dans le 20e arrondissement de Paris, l'imprimerie spécialisée en revues d'haltérophilie et cahiers de jeux va être transformée en hôtel par Hardel Le Bihan Architectes. Le bâtiment mêle une structure en béton de 1920 et une structure en acier des années 1970. Pour porter la reprogrammation, notre projet met en scène les éléments de structure existants et les révèle. Un premier pas décisif pour garder l'esprit du lieu.